Powerful Portrait of a Majestic Timber Wolf in Snowy Wilderness

a wolf standing in the snow with a mountain in the background

In this majestic image, a timber wolf stands tall in the midst of a snowy wilderness. Its piercing eyes gaze confidently, exuding a powerful aura. Against the icy, monochrome backdrop, the wolf's natural beauty captivates. The fine details of its fur and eyes are prominent, emphasizing the wolf's untamed wilderness. The mountain in the background adds a sense of grandeur to this character portrait, evoking a profound connection between the wolf and its pristine habitat.

/imagine prompt: A majestic shot of a timber wolf, standing with piercing eyes in the midst of a snowy wilderness. The natural beauty of the beast, against an icy, monochrome backdrop. Fine-art print quality, shoot with Nikon D850, focus on the details of the fur, eyes and the wolf’s aura of power and wilderness --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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