Regal Individual in Crown: Fine-Art Style Close-Up Portrait

a close up of a person wearing a mask

This image displays a detailed close-up of a royal figure, distinguished by a delicately crafted crown. The chiaroscuro technique balances the dramatic lighting, casting vivid shadows and masterful glows over the precious metals and gems. The regal individual's face, imbued with an enticing allurement, adopts a mask-like quality. The image gives off an aura of nobility and grandeur, like a breathtaking bronze sculpture coming to life.

/imagine prompt: A detailed close-up portrait of a regal individual adorned with a crown, fine-art style, dramatic lighting, chiaroscuro, capturing glows and shadows on the precious metals and gems. Depth of field, high resolution, shot on Hasselblad H6D - 100c Medium Format DSLR Camera, royal, regal --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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