Ultra-Realistic Portrait of Young Woman with Ice-Blue Eyes on Dark Background

a painting of a woman with blue eyes

This image brings to focus a young woman's portrait against a dark, enigmatic background. The woman, with an expression of timeless serenity, draws you in with her captivating ice-blue eyes. Her eyes, richly detailed and brimming with palpable emotion, are quite stunning - vivid against her lightly flushed skin. Shadows play subtly upon the delicate contours of her face, enhancing its realism and depth, while the background's faint blue light adds to the mystique.

Despite its minimal composition, the portrait is immensely evocative. The woman's ice-blue eyes - radiating an astounding intensity, alongside her calm repose, exude an air of quiet strength and resilience. The effect is a stirring study in contrast: the quintessential blend of softness and strength, enigma and clarity - all rendered with astonishing precision.

/imagine prompt: Portrait of a young woman with ice-blue eyes, highly detailed, ultra-realistic, dark background with slightly blue light, photorealistic, 8k --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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