Urban Charismatic Indian Male Model Wearing Red Leather Jacket

a man wearing a red leather jacket and sunglasses

In the image, a poised and charismatic Indian male model asserts a modern, confident vibe. He's clad in a striking red leather jacket and chic sunglasses, standing against a mixed backdrop of vivid city elements. His poise and attire evoke a strong, poignant atmosphere. The image sees an explosion of vibrant colors and textures, intricately reflecting the urban mélange and intensifying the model's stylish elegance.

/imagine prompt: Lifestyle portrait of a stylish Indian male model, exuding confident modern charisma, set in an urban context, strong, poignant, a blend of vibrant colors and textures, shot with a Nikon Z7 II, in the style of GQ magazine cover shoots --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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