Vibrant Sunrise Over Mountain Range: A High-Resolution Landscape Painting

a painting of a sunset over a mountain range

This image portrays a serene sunrise over a majestic mountain range. The sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant oranges and pinks, pierced by the silhouettes of jagged peaks. Wispy clouds wander across the stunning backdrop, adding softness to the scene. Every detail, from the textured mountainside to the shifting hues in the sky, is rendered with precise color accuracy, absorbing the viewer into this breathtaking, high-quality landscape.

/imagine prompt: A breathtaking landscape shot of a serene sunrise over a mountain range, featuring vibrant hues of oranges and pinks dancing across a sky filled with wispy clouds. This image should replicate a free non-copyrighted image style with high detail, color accuracy, and commercial quality resolution --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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