Abstract Flowing Blue Fabric Simulating Ocean Waves on a White Background

a blue fabric with a white background

This image features flowing fabric in rich, royal blues offering the viewer an abstract vantage point. The fabric thrusts itself into billowing peaks and folds, reminiscent of ocean waves, whilst sharp contrasts differentiate between texture, offering a sense of movement. The play of soft crumples and hard shadows deepens the perception of depth. It concurrently embraces you in tranquility and stirs you with its wild, oceanic moods.

/imagine prompt: An abstract view of flowing blue fabric billowing in the wind. Capture the rich, royal hues, contrasting textures, folds, crumples and shadows, evoking the feel of the ocean. Fine-art style, use Hasselblad X1D II 50C for stunning detail and color rendition. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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