Adorable Close-Up of Grumpy Scottish Fold Kitten on Cozy Blanket

a small gray kitten sitting on top of a blanket

In this heartwarming image, a small gray Scottish Fold kitten takes center stage as it lazily lounges on a cozy blanket. Its grumpy expression adds a playful touch, inviting smiles and warmth. Soft lighting accentuates the adorable details, such as the endearing folded ears and fluffy fur. With a neutral background, the focus remains on the kitten's expressive face, creating a high-resolution capture that radiates cuteness. This family-friendly shot by Alison Geissler captures the essence of pet companionship.

/imagine prompt: A close-up, playful shot of a grumpy Scottish Fold kitten lounging lazily on a cozy blanket. Aim for a high-resolution, adorable capture of the kitten's expressions with Fujifilm GFX 100. Soft lighting, neutral background, maintain focus on the expression of the pet for a warm, family-friendly shot, attention to cute details, like the folded ears and fluffy fur. --v 5.2 --ar 3:4
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