Beautifully Styled Cappuccino with Foam Heart on Marble Counter

a cup of cappuccino on a saucer

A visually striking image showcases a vibrant red cup filled to the brim with freshly brewed coffee. The cup's shiny porcelain surface gleams, contrasting beautifully against a luminescent white marble counter. Topped with a meticulously crafted foam heart, the texture and delicate details of the foam are apparent. Delicate steam rises from the cup, adding a touch of warmth to the scene. The color grading, reminiscent of lifestyle photography, creates a soft and inviting ambiance, enhanced by the use of natural lighting. This captivating stock photo captures the essence of a perfect cappuccino moment.

/imagine prompt: Vibrant, precise image of a red cup brimmed with fresh coffee topped with a frothy foam heart, placed on a luminescent white marble counter. Capture the cup's shiny porcelain, the texture of the foam, and steam rising delicately. Color grading akin to lifestyle photography, using natural lighting for a soft look. Shot on Leica SL2 for striking contrasts and vivid color portrayal. --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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