Bollywood Actress Portrayed in Vibrant Traditional Indian Attire on Busy Mumbai Street

a woman in an orange sari posing for a picture

This image features an elegant Bollywood actress, radiant in her vibrant orange sari. The high-detail portrayal captures her sparkling jewelry and the intricate nuances of her attire, engendering a rich sense of luxury. Behind her, the energetic streets of Mumbai are rendered softly, mirroring the depth of a classic cinema film. Dramatic lighting accentuates the vivid colors, lending the scene a striking contrast and palpable sense of glamour.

/imagine prompt: A glamorous portrait of a Bollywood actress in extravagant traditional Indian attire, captured on the vibrant and bustling streets of Mumbai. Cinematic film style, dramatic lighting and rich colors, shot on a 50mm lens for depth of field. Lush details, crystal clear resolution --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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