Breathtaking Daytime Sky with Vast Cloud Formations

a blue sky filled with lots of white clouds

This awe-inspiring daytime sky photograph presents a splendid variety of cloud formations. The image exudes tranquillity, capturing the essence of a peaceful day. Sunlight gently filters through intermittent clusters of clouds, casting a warm glow. The photograph is expertly edited to convey a breathtaking sense of depth and vastness against a vibrant blue backdrop. Every fine detail is beautifully rendered, immersing viewers in the captivating beauty of this scene.

/imagine prompt: An inspiring, high-resolution daytime sky photo showcasing a wide array of cloud formations. The image should reflect the tranquillity of a peaceful day, with sunlight filtering through occasional cloud clusters. Edit it to give a sense of breath-taking depth and vastness against a vibrant blue backdrop. Hasselblad 500c/m for fine detailing --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
Click to copy and use this prompt to generate a similar image in Midjourney.
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