Breathtaking Golden Hour Landscape with Silhouette of Lone Tree

a lone tree in a field at sunset

In this exquisite landscape, captured during the golden hour, the setting sun bathes the scene in a warm, golden light. Gradations of orange and purple paint the horizon, creating a visually invigorating display. A lone tree stands tall in the foreground, its distinct silhouette adding a touch of mystery to the composition. The image, reminiscent of fine-art photography, showcases remarkable detail, bringing the viewer into a beautifully crafted matte painting-like world.

/imagine prompt: An exquisite landscape taken during the golden hour, with the sun just below the horizon casting a warm, golden light onto the scene. Create an invigorating image with gradations of orange and purple in the horizon, silhouettes of objects in the foreground. Detail high in Nikon D850, fine-art photography style --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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