Captivating Portrait of a Celebrity with a Radiant Smile

a beautiful young woman standing in front of a building

In this exquisitely crafted portrait, a famous celebrity stands gracefully against the backdrop of a charming golden hour. Bathed in a subtle glow, the image showcases meticulous attention to the intricate details of the subject's facial features. A pleasant smile graces her lips, complementing the gleam in her eyes. The candid moment captured by the photographer adds a touch of authenticity to this captivating lifestyle photograph. The high-resolution image beautifully highlights the individual's natural beauty and charisma.

/imagine prompt: An elegantly crafted portrait of a famous celebrity, captured during the golden hour, subtle glow, attention to details of facial features, pleasant smile, gleaming eyes, candid, lifestyle photography, shot using Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, high resolution --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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