Captivating Silhouette Skyline of a City During Blackout

a view of a city at night with a full moon

In this captivating image, a cityscape emerges against the backdrop of a star-studded night sky during a blackout. The city's silhouette stands out boldly, its unique contours defined against the darkness. The only sources of light are a few points of illumination from backup generators and flickering candles, serving as a testament to human presence. The image, rendered with remarkable detail, captures the atmosphere of a city in stillness and mystery. This commercial artwork evokes a sense of wonder and intrigue.

/imagine prompt: Dynamic shot of a city during a blackout, generating a unique silhouette skyline against the clear star-studded night sky. A few points of light from backup generators and candles indicate human presence. Use Canon EOS 5D Mark IV for a high-quality, high-resolution image. Commercial genre. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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