Charming Country Cottage with White Picket Fence and Tranquil Garden

a white picket fence in front of a white house

A charming country cottage sits gracefully under the soft morning sunlight. The image exudes a timeless quality, with a tranquil garden and a white picket fence adding to its idyllic charm. Captured from a low angle, this perspective accentuates the architectural details of the house, while a subtle soft focus lends a dreamy ambiance. The vintage charm and fine-art details, reminiscent of a storybook illustration, create a perfect sense of serenity and an inviting lifestyle.

/imagine prompt: "Timeless and aesthetic image of a pretty country cottage house. Soft morning sunlight, a tranquil garden, white picket fence. Capture it from a low angle, highlighting architectural details, using a softer focus for a dreamy feel. A Fujifilm GFX50R will add to the vintage charm and fine-art details and colors. Capturing lifestyle and perfect serenity." --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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