Delicious Blueberry Cake Slice with Creamy White Frosting

a slice of cake with white frosting and blueberries on top

In this mouthwatering image, a slice of blueberry cake takes center stage. The vibrant blues of the plump berries stand out against the creamy white frosting, creating a visual feast. The close-up detail shot, captured from a high angle, showcases the freshness of the ingredients and the delectable texture of the cake. The image, reminiscent of a pastel painting, is perfect for food blogging and evokes an irresistible urge to indulge in this luscious treat.

/imagine prompt: A luscious blueberry cake slice, vibrant blues of the berries contrasted against a creamy white frosting. Close-up detail shot, high angle to emphasize fresh ingredients and texture, photographed with Phase One XF IQ3 for high resolution, commercial photography for food blogging --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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