Detailed Image of Smoke Rising from Burned-Out Driftwood

a piece of drift wood with smoke coming out of it

This image effortlessly captures the near-tangible nature of smoke delicately spiraling up from a burned-out log. The log itself is a piece of driftwood; weather-worn and textured, it provides a stark contrast to the smoke. The smoke elegantly billows upwards, its ephemeral quality and varying opacities manifesting in soft gradations from delicate gray to a profound abyss of black. A sense of serene movement paired with a still life is effectively conveyed.

The high definition of the scene allows for detailed visual exploration; the wisps of smoke seem tangible, as if they could waft away with a breath. The depth of field adds a vivid dimensionality, causing the drifting smoke and the starkly contrasted log to come alive with intriguing texture. The artistic aplomb brings forth a conjuring of serene pensiveness wrapped in a soft but profound spectacle.

/imagine prompt: Create an impressively detailed image of smoke softly rising from the end of a burned-out log. Leverage the high-resolution capture of a Nikon D850 and lens with a wide depth of field. Visualize the gradations from gray to deep black, the ethereal quality, and varying opacities in 32k UHD --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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