Detailed Painting of Laughing Baby in Pink Hat with Pastel Background

a painting of a baby wearing a pink hat

This image intricately portrays a rosy-cheeked baby in the midst of innocent laughter. The baby's face is filled with detailed and highly realistic features and the child wears a soft pink hat. Invoking the whimsy of a delicately rendered fairytale illustration, the baby radiates in a heavenly, pastel-tinted background. The dreamy, soft lens effects imbue a gentle and ethereal essence, enhancing the baby's blissful expression.

/imagine prompt: Close-up view of a rosy-cheeked baby, detailed features depicting innocent laughter, fairytale style, highly realistic and detailed, taken with a Nikon D850, soft and dreamy lens effects, with a gentle pastel background --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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