Detailed View of a Human Skeleton on a Wooden Table

a human skull sitting on top of a wooden table

The image presents an in-depth view of a human skeleton, emphasising the intricacy of our physical structure. The educational aspect is enhanced by the remarkable level of detail, reminiscent of a Da Vinci sketch. The skeleton is placed against a backdrop imbued with the richness of a wooden table. The aesthetics of the image are light-filled, countering any potential sense of morbidity, resulting in a captivating and instructive visual.

/imagine prompt: In-depth view of a human skeleton, finely-detailed, emphasizing the intricacy and simplicity of our physical structure. Give it the aesthetic richness of a Da Vinci sketch without dark implications; shot with a Canon EOS R5 to capture every detail and enhance the educational factor --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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