Dramatic Grey Rain Cloudscape with Multidimensional Depth and Blue Hues

a very large cloud in the sky above the clouds

In this image, a breathtaking skyscape is dominated by voluminous rain clouds of varying grey hues, appearing almost threedimensional. A wide-angle perception of space creates an extensive, dramatic scene. The underbelly of the clouds is darker, lending a textured contrast to the view and emphasizing their intimidating size. The low-light foreground adds an element of melancholy and drama, depicting the sublime poetry of nature's looming storm.

/imagine prompt: A dramatic skyscape featuring grey, menacing rain clouds approaching. Emphasize the depth, volume, and multidimensional nature of clouds, using hues of grey and blue, creating a melancholic mood, proposing a poetry of nature. A rain cloud photograph shot using Fujifilm GFX 100, high-dynamic-range imaging, using wide-angle lens for greater space interpretation, dark foreground to contrast and add drama. --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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