Elaborate White Paper Sculpture Floating Against Dark Background

a white flower on a black background

This image captures an intricate white paper sculpture, elegantly twisting and curving as though in mid-flight against a deep black backdrop. The piece, highly detailed and full of movement, contains a complexity that suggests the petals of an abstract flower. The contrast between the sculpture's pure white hue and the stark black background accentuates its grandeur, lending the image a surreal and mesmerizing quality. The picture embodies the elegance and poetic freedom of contemporary design.

/imagine prompt: Commercial studio shot of an elaborate paper sculpture, white and intricate twisting and curving forms. The sculpture hovers in mid-air on a stark black background. Ultra High-Resolution, free of copyrighted trademarks, shot using Hasselblad H6D-400C for extra crisp detail. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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