Enchanted Night Forest Scene with a Beautiful Woman in a Blue Dress

a woman in a blue dress with long hair

In the heart of an enchanted forest at nightfall, this image encapsulates a woman of stunning grace. Cloaked in an ethereal blue dress amidst weather-worn trees, she gazes keenly into the distant darkness. A serene glow of twinkling stars and soft fairy lights bathe the scene, casting striking contrasted hues across the tranquil wilderness. Her elegant silhouette, framed by cascading hair, intertwines with the fantastic surroundings, creating a mesmerizing, nocturnal portrait.

/imagine prompt: A beautiful woman standing in the middle of an enchanted forest at night, looking into the distance. The stars illuminating the scene with soft glowing fairylights. Fantasy style, blue tones, high contrast color grading, shot with a Sony Alpha 7R IV. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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