Ethereal Flames: Intense Dark Fire in Hypnotic Red and Orange

a close up of a fire with a black background

This intense and captivating image depicts a mesmerizing sight—a dark fire burning against the backdrop of a pitch black night. The flames flicker and dance with an almost menacing allure, casting deep red and orange hues that stand out against the inky darkness. The contrast evokes an electric sensation, immersing the viewer in the mysterious and powerful energy of the scene. This artwork, created with meticulous detail, invites exploration and contemplation, leaving a lasting impression on the observer.

/imagine prompt: Intense, captivating image of a dark fire, flames dancing menacingly in the pitch black night. Highlight deep reds, oranges amid the inky surrounding darkness, to provoke an electric sensation. Mysterious, powerful, Nikon D850, high resolution, fine-art print, hyper-realistic --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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