Ethereal White Aesthetic: Serene Sunlit Room with Minimalist Vases

two white vases with flowers in them on a table

This image presents a minimalist and serene sunlit room, employing a high-key, monochromatic aesthetic. Two exquisite white vases with delicate flowers are placed atop a table, their pale textures blending harmoniously with the overall simplicity of the scene. Ethereal light cascades through the room, creating a sense of tranquility and purity. The image captures the beauty of clean lines and the subtle details, resembling the style often seen in commercial or lifestyle photography.

/imagine prompt: A high-key, monochromatic photography using the concept of white aesthetic: Capture a minimalist pure white, sunlit room, emphasizing on pale textures, cleanliness, serenity, and ethereal light details. Celebrate the simplicity in details, shot with Sony α7 IV in a commercial or lifestyle photography style. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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