Extreme Close-up Portrait of a Reflective Eye in a Neon-Lit Round Mirror

a close up of a woman's eye with red dots on it

An extreme close-up captures an eye, its every detail crisply defined, gazing back from a round mirror. Neon lighting frames the mirror, creating a striking boundary separating the subject from a murky, blurred backdrop. The mystery within the eye is accentuated by a poignant sparkle. The retro, almost cyberpunk feel of the image is undeniable, drawing the viewer into its evocative narrative. Red dots on the woman's eye add a cryptic element to this intriguing spectacle.

/imagine prompt: Extreme close-up portrait of a person reflected in a round mirror, every detail of the observing eye crisply captured, the mysterious sparkle emphasized. Neon lighting around the shape of the mirror to create a boundary between the subject and a darker, blurred background. Retro style, with a dash of cyberpunk, high resolution, shot with Hasselblad H6D-100c. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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