Friendly Retro-Futuristic Robot in Ultra-Modern Environment

a robot with big eyes and a smile on its face

In this conceptual image, an anthropomorphic robot, with big expressive eyes and a warm smile, takes center stage. Rendered in a retro-futuristic style, it exudes a friendly and helpful aura reminiscent of a Pixar animation. Contrasting against an ultra-modern, sleek, and minimalist environment, the bot stands out as a charming character. The high resolution of the image allows for intricate details to be appreciated, bringing this delightful creation to life.

/imagine prompt: A conceptual image of a bot. Illustrate through a 3D render of an anthropomorphic robot designed in a retro-futuristic style. Contrast of the bot with an ultra-modern, sleek and minimalist environment. Make sure the bot exudes friendly and helpful vibes, Pixar-style animation, High Resolution --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
Click to copy and use this prompt to generate a similar image in Midjourney.
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