Glistening Snow Drift on Rustic Wooden Fence in Soft Sunlight

a wooden deck covered in snow next to a fence

In this photorealistic image, a fresh layer of untouched white snow gently rests upon a rustic wooden fence. Soft sunlight illuminates the scene, causing the snow to sparkle and shimmer with an ethereal glow. The contrasting textures of the smooth, pristine snow against the rough, weathered wood create a visually captivating composition. This fine-art photograph beautifully captures the serene beauty of a winter landscape, inviting viewers to appreciate the delicate details of nature.

/imagine prompt: Photorealistic image of snow drift settled on a rustic wooden fence, sparkling under soft sunlight. Showcase the texture and shimmer of snow, a fresh layer of untouched white against the rough, weathered wood. Captured with a Sony Alpha A7 III, fine-art photography --v 5.2 --ar 5:4
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