Glistening Sunny-Side Up Eggs with Cracked Pepper Seasoning on White Plate

two fried eggs sitting on top of a plate

This image captures a tantalizing look at two perfectly fried eggs sitting on a white plate. The delightfully runny yolks, their vibrant yellow glow enhanced by soft, natural lighting, contrast beautifully with the gleaming white of the egg whites. Specks of cracked pepper add a touch of contrast and intrigue. The scene, meticulously composed, resembles the stylish, mouth-watering displays often found in gourmet cooking magazines.

/imagine prompt: A tantalizing shot of fried eggs, meticulously composed, where the texture and shine of the runny yolk stand out against the white plate. Natural light bounces off the gleaming egg white, with a seasoning of cracked pepper to contrast the vibrant yellow. Utilize food photography styles used in cooking magazines and shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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