Glowing Neon Tracer Lines on Motherboard in Industrial Setting

a close up of a computer motherboard with red lights

In this striking image, a close-up view reveals sophisticated electrical components within an industrial setting. A motherboard takes center stage, adorned with glowing neon tracer lines, LED components, and an array of resistors and transistors. The sharpness and depth of the image, captured with precision using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, highlight the intricate details of the components. The red lights create a captivating ambiance, adding a touch of futuristic allure to this commercial-style computer rendering.

/imagine prompt: Striking image of sophisticated electrical components in an industrial setting. Displaying a motherboard with glowing, neon tracer lines, LED components, resistance and transistors. Close-up, detailed shot of the electrical components, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV for sharpness and depth, commercial photography style --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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