Golden Hour View of Taj Mahal with Reflecting Pools and Intricate Marble Details

a large white building sitting next to a pool of water

The Taj Mahal stands as an exceptional spectacle, its dazzling white marble surfaces precisely detailed and illuminated under the soft, golden hour light. Pools around the monument catch this radiant glow, sparkling and immersing the scene in an enchanting dance of reflections. The majesty of the architecture is elegantly portrayed, as though the scene was designed for an inviting, promotion of the place's bewitching charm.

/imagine prompt: A spectacular display of the Taj Mahal, bathed under the magical, warm light of the golden hour, it's intricate marble details, and reflecting pools sparkling. Achieved through a Hasselblad H6D-400c MS for maximum details, showcasing the monument's magnificence aimed at tourism commercials. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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