Group of Burning Candles with Warm Hues on a Neutral Background

a group of lit candles sitting next to each other

This image captures the serene glow of candles, their flames flickering against a soothing harmony of dark navy and black. The warm hues of orange and yellow are emphasized, painting a sense of comfort and nostalgia. There's a subtle allure in the detail of the slightly blurred, shimmering light from the candles, adding depth to the photo. Overall, this picture beautifully delivers an intimate atmosphere laced with moments of introspection.

/imagine prompt: Synesthetic capture of burning candles against a neutral background, emphasis on the candle's flame, playing with soft light, bokeh and reducing shutter speed. Harmonious color composition of warm hues (orange, yellow) and muted background tones (black, navy blue), shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, highlighting emotions, nostalgia, comfort --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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