High-Resolution Fine Art Photograph of Striped Men's Shirt on Wood

a striped shirt hanging on a wooden wall

This fine-art styled photograph showcases a men's shirt laid flat on weathered wood. The high-resolution capture emphasizes the crispness of the fabric, the smoothness of the buttons, and the intricacy of the tiny stitches. Soft and natural lighting gently enhances the colors and highlights the texture of the shirt. The image exudes a sense of precision and craftsmanship, highlighting the beauty found in simplicity and attention to detail.

/imagine prompt: Fine-art styled photograph of a men's shirt, flat-laid on aged wood. High-resolution capture with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Detail the crisp fabric, smooth buttons, tiny stitching. Use soft and natural lighting to enhance the colors and texture of the shirt --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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