High-Resolution Portrait of Woman with Vibrant Orange Hair in Natural Lighting

a close up of a woman with red hair

This image captures a captivating portrait of a woman with vibrant orange hair that shimmers in natural light. Each strand of hair sparkles, showcasing the texture and brilliant, fiery hue. The classical style of Rembrandt lighting shades her face, highlighting her features while adding an intriguing contrast. The warmth radiating from the woman's golden locks amplifies the liveliness of this contemporary beauty shot.

/imagine prompt: A striking portrait of a woman with vibrant orange hair, in high resolution. Capture the hair's texture and brilliant color using classic Rembrandt lighting. Focus on individual strands of hair shining in natural light. Shot with Canon EOS R5, bringing warmth and life to a modern beauty shot --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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