Hyper-realistic Portrait of a Beautiful Woman with Short Hair in the Breeze

a painting of a woman with short hair

The image presents a stunning, lifelike portrait of a young woman. She is strikingly real, every detail, from the gentle contours of her face to the soft hue of her skin, rendered with exquisite precision. A breeze seems to play with her short hair, causing it to dance whimsically around her face, enhancing her youthful appeal. Her ear, peeking through the strands of her hair, adds an endearing touch of realism to the image.

The photo-like quality of the portrait is enhanced by subtle shadows and highlights that trace the woman's figure. Enhanced by the delicate play of sunlight, it imbues the scene with a serene and warm tone. The blend of realism and artistic interpretation make this image a captivating vision of natural beauty and grace.

/imagine prompt: Beautiful young woman, a breeze tousles her short hair, her ear visible, hyper-realistic picture --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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