Infinite Desert Landscape with Detailed Cracked Earth Under Scorching Sun

a barren desert with a few clouds in the sky

In this image, a barren desert stretches to the horizon under a relentless sun. The scorched earth, fissured and parched, makes up the sprawling landscape, offering an intimate look at the textured terrain. Few solitary clouds cast fleeting shadows, adding an iota of relief to the bleakness. The atmosphere evokes a potent sense of desolation and thirst, creating a melancholic mood that resonates intensely.

/imagine prompt: Sweeping landscape of a cracked desolate desert floor, stretched infinitely till the horizon under a scorching sun. High resolution, macro capture of the parched earth, showing detailed texture and evocative of despair and thirst. Shot with Nikon Z7, high detail image --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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