Intense Close-Up of Angry Facial Expression Under Red Lighting

a close up of a person's eye with a red iris

An ultra-detailed picture portrays a person's face, the intensity of anger carved into every facet. The eyebrows knit forcefully above wide-open eyes, radiating fury. Skin texture is remarkably lifelike, highlighting the sharpness of features, while a harsh red light washes over the face symbolizing an inflamed rage. The image strikingly captures human emotion, bringing the fiery anger to life in a way that feels palpable and raw.

/imagine prompt: A high-resolution image of a person with a facial expression showing intense anger, eyebrows knitted and eyes wide open, face illuminated with a harsh red light symbolizing rage, captured using Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, ultra high quality image. Emphasize the texture of the skin, and the sharpness of the features. --v 5.2 --ar 6:7
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