Intricate African Textile Design on Flowing Garment Close-up

a close up of a tie with a design on it

This image presents a close-up of a traditional African textile pattern adorned in a free-flowing garment. The fabric's intricate designs are boasted in vibrant colors, adding depth and texture. The textile's unique texture is meticulously captured, allowing the viewer to almost feel the cloth's coarse yet soft surface. The image is reminiscent of the fine details and dramatic aesthetic typically seen in high-end fashion photography.

/imagine prompt: Close-up of a traditional African textile pattern, shown as part of a flowing garment. Emphasize the intricate designs, vibrant colors and the unique texture of the fabric. Inspired by the aesthetic of fashion photography, capture with a high-end Hasselblad for ultra-clear detailing --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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