Intricate Carvings and Fierce Shine: Stunning Close-Up of Finely Crafted Shiv

a black and white photo of a statue

This image presents an extreme close-up of a finely crafted shiv, revealing intricate carvings on its handle and a fierce shine along its edge. Chiaroscuro lighting accentuates the sharpness and intricate details of the weapon, creating a sense of depth and intensity. Displayed in black and white, the image adopts a commercial photography style, offering a hyper-realistic depiction with high contrast. It exudes a captivating monochrome aesthetic, highlighting the craftsmanship and power of the shiv.

/imagine prompt: An extreme close-up shot of a finely crafted shiv, showcasing the intricate carvings on the handle and the fierce shine on the edge. Use chiaroscuro lighting to emphasize the sharpness and the details. Commercial photography, hyper-realistic, high contrast, monochrome --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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