Luxurious Black Velvet Sofa in Modern Brutalist Style Living Room

a black couch and a table in a dark room

A luxuriously plush black velvet sofa anchors a high-end living room. Imposingly present, yet alluringly inviting, the deep tones of the sofa contrast stunningly with a stark, brutalist background. The room, hinting at the avantgarde style, is meticulously detailed, delivering an emotionally resonant atmosphere. The striking mise-en-scène exudes an upscale appeal, as though captured through the lens of high-end architectural photography.

/imagine prompt: A plush, moody black velvet sofa situated within an upscale living room in the style of architectural photography. Bauhaus inspired, brutalist background, avantgarde approach, shot on a Hasselblad H6D-100c, 50mm lens f2.8, emotive commercial value, high detail --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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