Majestic Bison Standing in the Wild Plains Under a Cloudy Sky

a large bison standing in a field under a cloudy sky

A majestic bison stands regally on sprawling wild plains, its lush fur detailing its robust physique. The grandeur of the bison, a symbol of wilderness and freedom, dominates the landscape. The vista unfolds beneath a vast, cloud-streaked sky, seemingly endless expanses around it. A wide-angle perspective portrays the scene in stunning realism, capturing the wild and free essence of this raw yet peaceful panorama. The image is a testimony to the isolation and serenity of unspoiled nature.

/imagine prompt: A majestic bison amid the wild plains, its texture and fur detail stands out, awestruck in a big sky landscape, wide angle shot, photorealistic, emphasis on the wild and freedom --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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