Majestic Lamp Post at Dusk Lighting Up Cobblestone Alleyway

a cobblestone street with a lamp post on the side

At dusk, a vintage lamp post softly bathes a cobblestone alleyway in warm, ambient light. The image evokes the nostalgic aura of an old European city. With a focus on intricate details, the lamp post becomes the centerpiece, casting a gentle glow against the cool cobblestone ground. This hyper-realistic image captures the essence of a bygone era, transporting viewers to a charming world. The composition subtly hints at the tilt-shift style, adding a touch of artistic flair to the scene.

/imagine prompt: A vintage lamp post at dusk, softly illuminating a cobblestone alleyway. Evoke the aura of an old European city with warm, ambient light. Use a Canon EOS 5D to capture a high-resolution, hyper-realistic image. Highlight the intricate details of the lamp post and the warmth of its light against the cool cobblestone ground. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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