Marble Sculpture of Woman in Black Dress with Flower in Hair

a woman in a black dress with a flower in her hair

The image presents a female figure with an exceptional degree of detail that brings to life her classic beauty. She is adorned in a rich, dark dress – a piece that exudes a timeless elegance. A single, delicate flower rests in her chocolate brown hair, providing a soft contrast to the overall noir palette. Every strand of her hair, the subtle texture of the dress, and the nuanced play of light together elevate the realism of the image.

Despite its intricacy, the image has a sculptural quality, wherein the woman appears flawlessly carved from pristine marble. Her posture and the gentle curve of her silhouette echo a harmonious balance found in revered classical statuary. The image expertly combines traditional sophistication with modern detailing and fashion elements, evoking a serene, timeless elegance.

/imagine prompt: Real photography, beautiful female, detailed, portrait, fashion inspired by elie saab --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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