Melancholic Black and White Image of a Lonely Person Staring out a Rainy Window

a person sitting on the floor in front of a window

A solemn black and white scene uncovers a person sitting quietly before a downtrodden woven mat, peering through a window hazed by raindrops. The stark contrast of light and dark mirrors their solitude. The minimalist composition echoes a somber narrative, with clear, detailed droplets adding a melancholic texture. Shimmering reflections play across the glass, painting a touching portrait of loneliness pierced by subtle rays of light.

/imagine prompt: Depict a melancholic, black and white scene of a person sitting and staring out a rainy window, encapsulate a sad story, dramatic shadows, minimalistic composition, detailed raindrops on the window. Convey strong emotions, sense of loneliness, reflections on glass, subtle light, and dark contrast. Keep it deeply touching and somber --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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