Moonlit Gothic Castle Tower Amidst a Dark Forest in a Digital Painting

a castle in the middle of a dark forest

Tall and imposing, an ancient Gothic castle tower shrouded in an ominous veil of moonlight dominates the image. The building's brooding stonework and lofty windows are rendered in luscious hues of midnight blues, steely grays and spectral silvers. It's set against a hushed forest background, subtly painted with elegant details. This image is steeped in mystery and fantasy, conjuring a spectral atmosphere draped in moonlight.

/imagine prompt: Create an atmospheric digital painting depicting an ancient castle tower looming under the moonlight. The architectural style should be Gothic, with brooding stone work and high windows. Coat the image in a veil of mystery and fantasy. Use colors like dark blues, grays and silvery whites to create a spectral, moonlit image. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
Click to copy and use this prompt to generate a similar image in Midjourney.
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