Open Book on Oak Desk Illuminated by Soft Morning Sunlight

a vase filled with flowers sitting on top of a table

This image captures the serene ambiance of a morning with soft sunlight filtering in, illuminating an open book on an oak desk. Each detailed word on the crisp, worn pages becomes more pronounced, casting delicate, flitting shadows. The scene evokes a sense of quiet anticipation, as if time stands still. This artfully created image exudes a feeling of tranquility, cultivating a deep appreciation for moments of solitude.

/imagine prompt: Artful representation of an open book on an oak desk, morning sunlight filtering through a nearby window, casting gentle shadows. Highlighting the crisp pages and inked words, in the style Ellen von Unwerth, lifestyle photography, captured using Sony A7R IV, ultra detailed, 8k UHD --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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