Pastel Sky at Dusk Over Tranquil Beachscape with Lone Tree

a tree that is standing in the sand

As daylight retreats, the tranquil beach scene under a vast sky at dusk gleams with soft pastel hues. A lone tree stands stark against the fine sand, its silhouette refined by the last glimmers of daylight. The image is incredibly detailed, capturing the dynamic interaction between the shifting sky and the gentle ebb of the tide. The placidity of the scene echoes a quiet serenity, accentuated by the atmospheric shift between day and night.

/imagine prompt: Craft a stunningly atmospheric image of the sky at dusk imbued with soft pastel hues, sprinkling the last daylight upon a tranquil beach. Use the 150 Megapixel Phase One XF IQ4 medium format camera for a vast, ultra-detailed fine art landscape image, to emphasize the skay's dynamic, the beachscape and the retreating tide --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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