Pastel Sunrise Over Serene Lake with Misty Rolling Hills

a body of water surrounded by hills and fog

In this peaceful scene, a pastel sunrise gifts subtle hues to a tranquil lake, the colors softly replicated in the water's mirror-like surface. Swirls of mist rise from the water, merging with gentle rolling hills that form a dreamy backdrop. The delicate balance between shadow and light creates a serene aura, as natural color gradients gradually shift in the sky. The image captures a beautiful atmospheric perspective rich in tranquility.

/imagine prompt: Tranquil, pastel-hued sunrise over a serene lake, surrounded by gentle rolling hills, mist swirling above the water. Aim to capture the water's reflection and subtle shift of colors in the sky. Focus on the delicate balance of shadows and light, predominantly natural color gradients. Shot with a Nikon D810 --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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