Portrait of a Resilient Woman with Afro and Bold Accessories in Evening Light

a woman with a large afro and earrings

A compelling portrait features a woman, emanating strength and resilience. Under evening light, her intense gaze is highlighted, mirroring her indomitable spirit. Her large afro accessorized with bold earrings and her vibrant attire add to her commanding presence. The chiaroscuro technique lends depth to the image, accentuating details of her eyes, face, and skin texture. A grainy texture conveys an evocative, enduring charm, reinforcing her powerful identity.

/imagine prompt: Portrait photography of a woman named Nari, depicting her strength and resilience. From her intense gaze to her accessorized hair and bold clothing, capture her in all her glory. Pay attention to detail in her eyes, face, and skin texture - chiaroscuro lighting, shot with Sony A7III, 85mm lens, f1.8, outdoors, evening light, high ISO for grainy effect. The image should retain a powerful essence reflecting her identity. --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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