Portrait of a Tender-Hearted Man Lost in Love

an old man with a beard and a goatee

In this poignant portrait, an older man with a beard and goatee is captured under soft, flattering light. His tender gaze, directed away from the camera, suggests a deep affection for his beloved. The skillful use of depth of field creates a captivating bokeh effect, keeping his gentle expression as the central focus. The artist has meticulously captured each detail, resulting in a character portrait that evokes both emotion and intrigue.

/imagine prompt: A poignant portrait of a man in love. Capture him under soft, flattering light, showing a tender look in his eyes as he gazes off camera, indicating his beloved. Play with depth of field, allowing for a bokeh effect, letting his gentle expression remain the central focus. Shot on Leica SL2 for maximum detail and captivating expression --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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