Powerful Black and White Portrait Capturing Emotion in the Eyes

a black and white photo of a woman's face

This emotive black and white portrait captures the raw and powerful emotions of an individual. Their eyes well up with tears, conveying a profound sense of vulnerability and depth. The play of shadow and light adds a dramatic touch, enhancing the expressiveness of the eyes. Shot with a Leica M10 Monochrome, the image has a timeless quality that evokes a fine-art photography style. It speaks to the universal human condition, inviting contemplation and empathy.

/imagine prompt: Emotive high-resolution portrait of an individual, eyes welling with tears. The emotion should be raw, real and powerful, with a focus on the expressiveness of the eyes. Black and white processing, shadow and light dramatic play, shot with Leica M10 Monochrome for a timeless feel. Fine-art photography style, conveying the human condition. --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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