Professional Beauty Makeup Session with Vibrant Eyeshadow Application

a close up of a woman's eye with long lashes

This image captures an intimate, professional makeup session, framed from over the artist's shoulder. A model gazes intently into a mirror as a makeup artist skillfully applies vibrant eyeshadowing to her long-lashed eyes. The scene has striking depth, as the artist's trained hands and the tools they wield take center stage, helping to enhance the woman’s natural beauty. The intense array of colors and the high dynamic range further underscore the artistry at work in this moment.

/imagine prompt: A professional beauty makeup session in progress. A makeup artist should be working on a model, carefully applying vibrant eyeshadow while the model stares intently into a mirror. The image should frame this scene from over the artist's shoulder, create depth, while focusing on the artist's skilled hands and tools. Use Nikon D780 for high dynamic range and intense colors --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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